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Legislative elections: alliances take shape amid confusion

Between the alliance declared by Eric Ciotti with the National Rally, “the purge” at the Popular Front, etc. The blocs which must confront each other in the 577 constituencies are taking shape amid great confusion.

Who will follow Eric Ciotti to join forces with the RN? How many alliances will there be between LR and the majority? How will the New Popular Front overcome the “purge” at LFI? 24 hours before the end of the submission of candidacies, the blocs which must compete in the 577 constituencies are taking shape amid great confusion.

On the right, battle of labels

Jordan Bardella, who leads the National Rally (RN) campaign, announced that there would be “a common candidate” with the Republicans who will have followed Eric Ciotti “in 70 constituencies”. However, only one outgoing LR MP followed the elected official from the Alpes-Maritimes who only brought in his wake local second-rates who were often little-known.

What label will they be able to claim? The Paris judicial court, seized by Eric Ciotti, invalidated his exclusion from the presidency of the LR on Friday. But the battle is not over: the summary judge, who only rules on emergency measures, requested that the lower court be referred to the court “within eight days” so that a final decision can be made. socket.

On the far right, another uncertainty: the number of Reconquest candidates since Eric Zemmour excluded Marion Maréchal and her relatives, accusing them of having “betrayed” him for the RN. If the former journalist wants candidates everywhere, certain local leaders of his movement, as in Brittany, have announced support for RN candidates.

How many local alliances between Renaissance and LR?

LR’s national line, which advocates independence, is also being tested by the presidential majority which is trying to conclude local agreements.

A non-aggression pact was thus announced by several Macronist candidates – including Gabriel Attal – with right-wing candidates in Hauts-de-Seine. Same in Loire-Atlantique. In Marseille, the DVD president of the metropolis, Martine Vassal, announced her support for the Secretary of State for the city Sabrina Agresti-Roubache.

On the other hand, the majority – which is leaving under the banner Together for the Republic and is led by the Prime Minister – has not announced a local agreement with left-wing elected officials.

But a former member of Elisabeth Borne’s government – Aurélien Rousseau, at Health – will be a candidate for the New Popular Front in Yvelines. On the other hand, another former Minister of Health Olivier Véran will be the majority candidate in Isère.

The New Popular Front put to the test

Faced with the threat of seeing the far right come to power, the left-wing parties (LFI, PS, Ecologists, PCF) managed to overcome their differences to agree around a unique program and candidacies within a very broad New Popular Front since it ranges from the small center-left party Place publique of Raphaël Glucksmann to the New Anticapitalist Party of Philippe Poutou.

But, barely the union was sealed, the decision of LFI not to reinvest several figures opposed to Jean-Luc Mélenchon ignited the powder. Danielle Simonnet, elected in Paris, as well as Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière, deputies from Seine-Saint-Denis, opposed to the tribune’s line, were brutally dismissed and replaced by other candidates unknown to the general public. The other left-wing groups promise their support if LFI does not reconsider its position.

Furthermore, Adrien Quatennens, outgoing deputy from the North, sentenced in 2022 to four months of suspended imprisonment for domestic violence, was reinvested despite opposition from other parties. He will be opposed to the candidacy of Amy Bah, of the feminist collective Noustoutes, who has the support of the mayor of Lille Martine Aubry.

The socialist Jérôme Guedj will be a candidate for re-election in Essonne, under the colors of the PS but not those of the New Popular Front, refusing to be associated with LFI. Finally, the candidacy of François Hollande took everyone by surprise on Saturday, including the socialists.

Unlike the RN and the presidential majority, the New Popular Front has not nominated a candidate for the post of Prime Minister.

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With AFP


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