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Dominique Dupuy installed at the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and promises a new era in Haitian diplomacy

Dominique Dupuy installed at the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and promises a new era in Haitian diplomacy.

Ambassador Dominique Dupuy, promoted Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs as well as Minister of Haitians living abroad, was installed on Wednesday, June 12, as the new chancellor by Prime Minister Garry Conille in the presence of the outgoing minister, Jean Victor Généus and the current Minister of Justice, Me Carlos Hercule.

Chosen by the Prime Minister to take the reins of MAEC and MHAVE, Ambassador Dupuy said, at first glance: “invested with a sense of responsibility”, and quoting Mr. Conille’s own words: “invested a sense of empathy for the Haitian people” who are experiencing difficult days.

Her actions and achievements at the head of the Haitian delegation after UNESCO in Paris, with the support of employees and executives of the ministry and also of Mr. Généus, can testify to the passion with which she has always defended the cause of the country, she said. This latitude of being able to carry out his projects, which ultimately earned him the support of the people and the recognition of the Haitian people.

“The three and a half years spent in diplomacy, as head of mission, the youngest head of mission in the entire United Nations system, were an opportunity to primarily defend the interests of my country and to engage constructive, often difficult exchanges,” declared Ms. Dupuy.

By directly addressing the head of government, the Chancellor reassured him of her commitment to working with Haitian diplomats accredited abroad in order to harmonize the voice of the Haitian Republic internationally.

“There are at times cacophonies in Haiti’s discourse. We need today to form a shield around you, your vision, this load that you will carry. Diplomacy is there to serve not only as protection but also as defense for the Haitian state,” she added.

Without ambiguity, the new minister announced that this was “the inauguration of a new era in diplomacy”. “An era of transition which must be in line with the requirements of the agreement of April 3, 2024. An era of diplomacy which must be truly and entirely at the service of the Haitian population,” she added.

Dominique Dupuy envisions a diplomacy that is anchored in the triumphant past of our country, but also in the reality of the major challenges facing the country. She announced that the MAEC will direct its action around the government’s priorities, namely “a diplomacy which is committed to the restoration of a climate of security in the country”.

“I will personally undertake to spare no effort in meeting our international partners, with a view to concretizing the multinational solidarity system with a view to putting an end to the scourge of insecurity in the country,” specifies the new holder of the MAEC.

The central bank has never ceased to demonstrate the negative impacts of the scourge of insecurity on the country’s economy. The Minister of Foreign Affairs announced that she will meet the major international players in the economic sector who have fled the country due to insecurity and the current situation but who are necessary for the restoration of economic activity leading to the creation jobs and the eradication of poverty in the country.

Like Prime Minister Conille, she reiterates her commitment to moving towards a zero-corruption approach. What Ms. Dupuy did not fail to emphasize in her speech for the occasion was the notion of “responsibility” by referring to her great-grandfather, at the time of Dessalines, who was the first chancellor of the new nation. .

The one who acceded, on November 24, 2023, to the vice-president of the Executive Board of UNESCO for the first time in the history of the country, marked her time within this institution with her achievements. She has always been praised for her courage in relation to the positions expressed at UNESCO, her sense of initiative to change the narrative about Haiti, her first achievement which is the inclusion of “joumon soup” as a world heritage site. UNESCO.

Chancellor Dupuy, at that time, permanent delegate of Haiti to UNESCO, worked hard for the inscription of Soup Joumou — through the knowledge, know-how and practices linked to it — in December 2021 , on the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of Humanity under the 2003 UNESCO Convention.

Ms. Dupuy, officially submitted, on March 26, 2024, the candidacy of the Konpa/Compass of Haiti in all its variants to be included on the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of Humanity. A candidacy which received massive support.

Before leaving the Permanent Delegation of Haiti, the ambassador obtained, on June 11, 2024, the unanimous election of Haiti to the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage – a first in the history of the country.

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