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Freedom of expression in danger in the Sahel – DW – 06/13/2024

The repression of protest voices continues in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso.

Yesterday, the Synergy of Action for Mali, a coalition of opponents, was concerned about the disappearance of Yeri Bocoum. This journalist filmed last Friday (07.06) a demonstration against power cuts in the country in Bamako.

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Yeri Bocoum worked openly

Also vice-president of the Association of Social Media Professionals and Web Actors, he was the only journalist to cover, openly, the demonstration against power cuts and the high cost of living in Mali.

This gathering, organized at the call of the Synergy of Action for Mali, had not been authorized. The few dozen demonstrators were quickly dispersed by the police.

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Yeri Bocoum was reportedly kidnapped from his home a few hours later by unidentified men and the collective organizing the demonstration assumes that he has been in the state security premises ever since. Calls for witnesses are launched by his supporters to find out the truth.

In its press release dated June 12, the Synergy of Action for Mali denounces the presence of “ill-intentioned and unidentified individuals around the homes” of some of its leaders.

Others have taken the path of exile: several member organizations of the collective have been banned from activity in recent months, such as the Jama Espoir organization, or even officially dissolved like the CMAS (Coordination of movements, associations and sympathizers of Imam Mahmoud Dicko) or Kaoural Renewal. In February, the collective called on the military in power to put a civilian government back in place.

Arrests and kidnappings in Burkina Faso

This incident fuels concern over press freedom and freedom of expression, which are definitely in danger in the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States.

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In Burkina Faso, Tuesday morning [11.06.24]people presenting themselves as agents of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) rang Mousbila Sankara’s house and took him away.

The former diplomat, uncle and ex-fellow fighter of Thomas Sankara, had sent an open letter to Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the head of the transition, to urge him not to make the mistakes of the past. He has since been released.

Since the end of 2023, several personalities considered critical of military power were victims of kidnappings.

Screw attack in Niger

And finally in Niger, a decree was published yesterday to modify the law on the criminalization of cybercrime. Prison sentences and heavy fines are now applicable in cases of online defamation and insults, but also to punish the “dissemination of harmful data” – a definition of offense vague enough to leave significant room for interpretation.


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