DayFR Euro

Legislative elections in France: Attal agrees to debate with Bardella and Mélenchon

“No place for traitors”: Eric Ciotti is threatened with being excluded from the Republicans during a decisive political office which opened Wednesday afternoon, where his executives intend to “dismiss” him at all costs after his alliance with the National Rally.

The meeting promises to be tough, but the main character finally slipped away: isolated in his own ranks, abandoned by all the party executives and by some of his collaborators, Mr. Ciotti did not come to the social museum , in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, a few hundred meters from the party and the Palais Bourbon.

However, this is perhaps where his fate will be decided, with the opening at 3 p.m. of a political office.

“There is no place for traitors and Putsch-style putsches,” said former LR presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse, just before the launch of hostilities.

Almost all of the leaders of the Gaullist party, in the midst of a crisis, have in fact pleaded for the dismissal of the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes, with the firm intention of making him give in. “We will call the SAMU or Bardella to get him out of his office,” declared Florence Portelli and Aurélien Pradié.


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