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400 million young children are victims of domestic violence worldwide, warns Unicef

Nearly six out of ten children under the age of five are victims of violent disciplinary sanctions within their domestic home worldwide, estimates UNICEF in a report published this Monday, June 10. This represents 400 million children in this age group. This violence manifests itself in particular by psychological attacks through shouting or by calling the child “stupid” or “lazy”, details the press release.

Of these children who are victims of violent discipline, 330 million of them are punished by physical punishment. Blows that aim to hurt without inflicting injury such as slapping or spanking, explains the study based on data from around a hundred countries collected between 2010 and 2023.

One in four people believe that physical punishment is necessary

In 2019, France became the 56th country to ban spanking, forty years after Sweden. More and more countries are banning corporal punishment. However, UNICEF estimates that there remain half a billion children under the age of five without adequate legal protection against this violence. The social norms that support these methods persist.

More than one person caring for one in four children considers that physical punishment is necessary in their education. “ When children experience physical or verbal abuse at home, or when they are deprived of the social and emotional attention of loved ones, it can harm their self-esteem and development », Comments in the report the director general of Unicef, Catherine Russell.

On the occasion of the first International Games Day, Unicef ​​discusses its access according to data collected in 85 countries. The United Nations reports that four in ten children, aged two to four, do not receive sufficient interaction or stimulation at home. Unicef ​​estimates that these children can “ suffer from emotional neglect and feelings of detachment, insecurity, and behavioral problems that may persist into adulthood “.

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