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For Russia, Macron and Scholz are “illegitimate” leaders


Emmanuel Macron receives the presidents of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and Germany, Olaf Scholz, at the Elysée Palace, in Paris, on February 8, 2023. JEAN-CLAUDE COUTAUSSE FOR “THE WORLD”

“The shame of Europe: resounding defeat for Macron and Scholz. » Commenting on the result of the European elections on Monday June 10, Vyacheslav Volodin did not hide his satisfaction. “Such results were predictablewrites the speaker of the Duma on Telegram. A stagnant economy, the migration crisis, countries engaging in war in Ukraine against their national interests…”

Beyond this observation, the recommendation of the fourth figure of the Russian state is categorical: “Macron and Scholz cling to power, but the most correct thing for them would be to resign and stop making fun of their fellow citizens. »

Without necessarily going that far, Russian commentators, experts or political leaders, have all their eyes focused on the German and French situations, the most stormy in a relatively stable European landscape, which even sees a slight progression of the conservatives in power in Brussels.

“A virus of illegitimacy”

The dominant reading of these results is in line with Vladimir Putin’s latest remarks, on June 7, on European elites. “submissive to the United States and working against the interests of its population”. “After having only executed Washington’s orders and abandoned all sovereignty, they [Macron et Scholz] could count on nothing other than this deserved result, which confirms their indigence as national and European political leaders”believes the President of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko. “It appears that a dangerous virus of illegitimacy is beginning to spread across the European continent”note again Mme Matvienko, loyal apparatchik of all Russian powers since Soviet times.

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The tone is a little less virulent in the Kremlin. In his daily press briefing, spokesperson Dmitri Peskov notes that ” the majority [au Parlement européen] will be pro-European and pro-Ukrainian (…), but we can see the dynamics of right-wing parties gaining popularity. It appears that over time, these trainings will progress and we are following this process carefully. »

In the press, the theme of illegitimacy particularly targets Emmanuel Macron, number one target of the media and Russian officials since he claims to be at the forefront of Western support for Ukraine. France was also the scene of several destabilization operations bearing the mark of Moscow, in the last weeks of the electoral campaign.

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