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The left agrees on a new “Popular Front” for the legislative elections


The representatives of La France insoumise, Clémence Guetté, Aurélie Trouvé, Manuel Bompard and Paul Vannier, arrive at the headquarters of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, in Paris, Monday June 10. AGNès DHERBEYS /MYOP “FOR THE WORLD”

Exit “Nupes”Long live the ” Popular Front “. Seven months after the implosion of the New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes), the left-wing parties managed to lay the foundations in record time for the start of an alliance in view of the anticipated legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 . Monday June 10, the four leaders of the main political parties, the ecologist Marine Tondelier, Olivier Faure (Socialist Party, PS), Fabien Roussel (French Communist Party, PCF), and Manuel Bompard (La France insoumise, LFI) are appeared side by side around 10:30 p.m. in front of the headquarters of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) in Paris to announce the “constitution of a new Popular Front”bringing together “ all left-wing humanist, union, associative and citizen forces”.

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The slogan had been launched the day before by the Somme deputy François Ruffin, in the wake of the dissolution announced by Emmanuel Macron. “The Popular Front is a commitment that goes well beyond ourselves”, launched Olivier Faure at the end of the meeting. As in the 2022 legislative elections, the left-wing parties will establish “a disruptive program” and will present “unique applications” from the first round in each constituency. “We are the only ones capable of preventing disaster”warns the “rebellious” MP Clémentine Autain, who invites “to transform the addition of the left’s score into political dynamics”.

If it reaches the end of its approach, the left will have partly foiled Emmanuel Macron’s plan, which relied on its disunity after a fratricidal campaign, to bring down this political family during the legislative elections. To get there, La France insoumise agreed to abandon the “Nupes program” of which she had made a totem. The threat from the far right and the prospect of a potential liquidation of many seats in the National Assembly has seemingly brought everyone to their senses. And quickly, even if the game is not yet won.

“Stop the bullshit”

Negotiations will now begin on the distribution of constituencies. The European elections, where the list carried by Raphaël Glucksmann for Place publique and the PS, should serve as a lever to rebalance the Nupes agreement which had been, in 2022, very favorable to LFI, served by the good score of Jean- Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the presidential election. “It is a commitment that condemns us to success”explains Marine Tondelier.

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