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Russia: four Indian students drown in a river

Four Indian students drowned this week in a river in Veliky Novgorod, in northwestern Russia, local authorities said.

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“According to initial information, the students were bathing (…) in a prohibited area” of the Volkhov River, not far from the municipal beach, the local branch of the Russian Investigative Committee, responsible for the main investigations, said on Friday. in the country.

When two of them were swept away by the current, the other two rushed to save them, and “some time later, all four dove underwater,” she said in a statement.

The first body was discovered by rescue divers the day after the tragedy which took place on Tuesday, the second having been extracted from the water on Friday, according to the same Source.

Research continues, the press release emphasizes.

According to the governor of the Novgorod region, Andrei Nikitin, all four were Indian nationals studying at the local university.

“According to preliminary information, four students of Novgorod State University from India died from drowning,” he wrote on Telegram on Tuesday.

According to Russian media, the students were aged 18 to 20 and were studying medicine.


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