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Impressive images of a train at Berlin station which burst into flames (photos)

Cn Saturday evening, a train caught fire while parked at Berlin’s Ahrensfelde station. The flames quickly spread to three wagons. The driver who saw smoke fortunately had the travelers evacuate, reports La Voix du .

The driver of this regional train had the right reflex. While parked at Berlin’s Ahrensfelde station on Saturday evening, he spotted smoke coming from the train. According to Spiegelhe then ordered the evacuation of the five passengers who remained inside.

And he did well: at 10 p.m., the Berlin firefighters were called to the scene and by the time they arrived, three carriages of the train in question were already engulfed in flames. It was necessary to wait until midnight for the firefighters to put out this impressive fire which ended up ravaging the entire train.

The station was completely closed until the last outbreaks of fire were brought under control and the train driver and his attendant received treatment on site but were not reported to have been injured.

The train which caught fire did not belong to Deutsche Bahn according to a spokesperson for the German railway company but to the private company Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn. The police have opened an investigation to determine the cause of the fire, which remains unknown at this time.



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