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School harassment: can a school be condemned for failing to assist a child in danger?

The movie TKT highlights the drama of school bullying, through the story of Emma, ​​victim of violence at school which led her to the hospital. This film frees people to speak, but also raises a crucial question: when faced with bullying, is it up to teachers or parents to take action?

TKT: three letters, but above all a film that causes a sensation. It tells the story of Emma, ​​who, from her bed in intensive care, gradually remembers the harassment she suffered at school, harassment which led her to the hospital. This film allows people to speak out on the issue of school bullying.

In an interview given to MosquitoCaroline, a teacher, says she reported a case of harassment of a student to her management. The prefect’s response was chilling: “It’s normal. It doesn’t wash well.“Michel, who launched the “Get out of your bubble” project six years ago, mentions the case of the father of a harasser, who proudly responds: “I know my son is a bully. It’s very good. He will know how to get by in life.

What risk for the school?

While a school cannot be directly condemned, a principal or teacher could be, provided they were informed of the harassment and failed to take appropriate action, and this is proven.

A recent example in Spain illustrates this situation. A Barcelona school has been ordered to pay €6,500 to a former student. Catalan justice ruled that the school had mismanaged the situation, even though the child had been beaten and humiliated by his classmates for several months. Although the victim’s parents reported the incident, the school failed to take the necessary measures to protect their son, despite its commitment to do so.

In Belgium, harassment is recognized as a criminal offense, punishable by prison sentences or fines, under the penal code.

In addition, the 1997 mission decree of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation specifies the responsibility of schools in matters of violence. It requires establishments to prohibit harassment, to put in place means to combat this scourge, and to provide appropriate sanctions.

school bullying TKT school


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