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Trump accuses migrants of importing “bad genes” to the United States – 10/07/2024 at 9:52 p.m.

Donald Trump further escalated his rhetoric against migrants on Monday, accusing them of importing “bad genes” into the country (AFP / Patrick T. Fallon)

Donald Trump further escalated his rhetoric against migrants on Monday, accusing them of importing “bad genes” into the country.

Interviewed by a radio host, the Republican candidate for the White House assured that his Democratic rival Kamala Harris, currently vice-president of the United States, had let thousands of “murderers” into the country, via her migration policy.

“Many of them have murdered more than one person and are now living peacefully in the United States,” Trump said. Before adding: “These murders, you know, I think it’s in their genes.”

“And we have a lot of bad genes in our country right now,” he said.

During her daily press briefing, White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre castigated “a vile, disturbing, hateful speech” which “has no place in our country”.

In this campaign, the former Republican president is using increasingly violent rhetoric towards migrants, multiplying lies and untruths.

To believe him, the country is suffering from an “invasion” of migrants, whom he accuses of all evils: “raping young American girls”, “poisoning the blood” of the United States, eating domestic animals.

During his first campaign for the White House, in 2015, Donald Trump had already shocked people with his comments about “rapist” illegal immigrants.

He then promised to build a huge wall along the 3,000 kilometers of border that separates Mexico from the United States to prevent migrants from entering American soil. A project that never came to fruition.


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