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Doctors Without Borders says it has started removing patients from Rafah hospital in anticipation of possible evacuation

The details of this proposed truce agreement, associated with a release of Israeli hostages, are not known; Israel, which refuses any permanent ceasefire demanded by Hamas, announced that this project was “far from Israeli demands”. The Jewish state remains determined to continue its operations in Rafah “to exert military pressure on Hamas”. The agreement must include an exchange of Palestinians detained by Israel for hostages held in the Gaza Strip.

A leader of the Hamas movement warned Tuesday to Agence France-Presse that the talks planned in Egypt around a proposed ceasefire in the Gaza Strip represented ” the last chance “ to obtain the release of the hostages who are being held in the enclave.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, declared that he had instructed his delegation in Cairo to “continue to be firm on the conditions necessary for release” hostages and “essential” to the security of Israel.

“We are ready to compromise to bring back the hostages, but if we have no choice, we will intensify the operation throughout the strip – in the south, in the center, and in the north”said Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Israel opposes a permanent ceasefire until it has defeated Hamas, in power in Gaza since 2007, and which it considers a terrorist organization, as do the United States and Israel. ‘European Union.

The threat of a major offensive in Rafah aims, according to Israel, to “exert military pressure” on Hamas in order to obtain an agreement that meets its demands.


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