DayFR Euro

Neymar hates to put himself forward, but he has to do it

Severe flooding is currently affecting southern Brazil. Humanitarian aid is needed for the local population. Neymar has already taken his responsibilities and calls on people to do the same, forcing his nature a little.

Nature is unleashed in Brazil. The south of the country, more precisely the state of Rio Grande do Sul, is currently affected by significant flooding. They are the result of the torrential rains which have hit the region for several days. Rural but also urban areas are affected, such as the state capital Porto Alegre invaded by brown waters. This natural disaster has already killed 90 people according to the authorities. 200,000 Brazilians find themselves homeless and more than a million homes no longer have running water. The situation is dramatic and, even if the government has announced the release of rapid aid for the victims, we must act quickly. Neymar got the message.

Water, food, provisions: Neymar does what is necessary

The Al-Hilal player used his private plane to bring material aid to his compatriots in the south. He delivered water packs, food and supplies. In addition, he used his social networks to call for generosity towards the affected Brazilian populations. An unusual message by his own admission since he doesn’t like to show off at times like this.

This is a delicate moment that our Brazil is going through and helping is NEVER too much, whatever your financial situation, what matters is what you carry in your heart. I don’t like it and I don’t like posting everything I do or help, because whoever does it…does it with their heart and not out of commitment. So this article aims to encourage people to help even more. I would like to thank my plane pilots and everyone involved. I’m here from afar praying for everything to go back to normal. My father also helps and provides whatever help he can “, he wrote on X from Saudi Arabia. A logical help from Neymar, who has often shown great patriotism for Brazil even while playing several thousand kilometers from his native country.


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