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The 16th OIC Summit will be held in 2026 in Baku – Africa

The 16th session of the Islamic Summit Conference will be held in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, in 2026, decided the summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), held on Saturday and Sunday in Banjul (Gambia) .

The 15th conference “decided to hold its sixteenth session in the Republic of Azerbaijan on a date to be determined later, in coordination with the OIC General Secretariat”we indicate in the final press release, adopted on Sunday.

The Banjul Summit called on OIC Member States and relevant bodies to “cooperate with the General Secretariat, support the host country and make efforts to ensure the success of the Islamic Conference at the Baku Summit”adds the document.

Furthermore, the Banjul Declaration, adopted by the summit, underlines in particular “the importance of using dialogue and mediation for the peaceful resolution of disputes” between the OIC member countries, believing that this is capable of “create an atmosphere free of tensions within the Islamic Ummah”.

The Declaration of this 15th Summit Conference, held under the theme “Promoting unity and solidarity through dialogue for sustainable development”also noted “the importance of strengthening preventive diplomacy in order to contribute significantly to the establishment of peace, the preservation of lives and resources and the realization of the aspirations of our people for sustainable development”.

The OIC member countries further reaffirmed, “the need to allow the Palestinian people to exercise their legitimate national rights, as recognized by the international community, in particular through the recognition of the State of Palestine enjoying full sovereignty over the 1967 borders, with the capital Al Quds Acharif ».

The Palestinian question, peace and security, the situation of Muslim communities and minorities in non-member states, legal, humanitarian, social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological, media, administrative and financial issues were on the menu of this 15th Summit now chaired by the Republic of Gambia.

(With MAP)


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