DayFR Euro

Here are motorists’ favorite insults

According to a study carried out in by Macif and the Jean-Jaurè Foundation, nearly 70% of road users admit to having already insulted another driver. Among them, it is motorcyclists and scooter riders who lose their temper most often (79%).

In two thirds of cases, it is out of fear of having a collision that people lose their temper and insult the other motorist. Other cases also exist, such as when you get cut off or are in a hurry.

And among the different bird names that can come out of our mouths, it is the words “Asshole” that come out in 48% of cases. Among the other insults that appear most often, we find “Asshole” (43% of cases), “Asshole” (39%) while the term “asshole” comes up in 13% of cases.

Other users also use “Jester”, “Bastard/slut”, “son of a bitch”, “bastard”, “slut” and finally “whore” or “faggot”.

However, 75% of those questioned believe that these insults are not necessary and four out of five people know that insulting another motorist will not solve anything.


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