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“Here is the heart. I added onion to it”: a dangerous cannibal joins the list of Russian prisoners sent to the front

This is not the first time that Russian policy has released prisoners to send them to the front. And it’s controversial. Between assassins and aggressors, the ranks of the Russian army have been swollen by more than one dangerous criminal, eager to regain his freedom once he returns to the motherland. Recently, two new prisoners were sent to the front in Ukraine to fight the enemy.

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Among them, Dmitri Malyshev, nicknamed the “heartbreaker”, was arrested in February 2014 and put behind bars for 25 years after a chilling crime. As reported by CNews, he met his victim, a 46-year-old Tajik migrant worker, while the latter was offering him sex. Angered by the invitation, Dmitri then kills the migrant, as we can read in the columns of TF1. But it does not stop there. He will then dismember the man then fry his heart with vegetables, before eating him. The scene was filmed with his cell phone. “Here is the heart. I added onion“, he even comments while he films his misdeed. Later questioned by Russian media, he said he was under the influence of alcohol during this crime.

Currently in hospital following a forehead injury, he said he chose to go to Ukraine to “preserve the traditional values ​​of Russia”. In particular, he refuses “a society which would let men kiss in the street”, according to the French newspaper La Dépêche.


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