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Why Trump supporters are leaving his rallies before the end

“I’m going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump’s rallies because it’s really interesting to watch. It talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He says wind turbines cause cancer. And what you’ll also notice is that people start leaving his gatherings earlier than expected, out of exhaustion and boredom. And I’ll tell you the only thing you won’t hear him talk about is you. »

During the presidential debate in Philadelphia, Kamala Harris managed to destabilize Donald Trump by making fun of a subject close to his heart, his crowds. Stung, the former president forgot for a moment the subject raised by the moderators – illegal immigration – to ensure that his rival was completely wrong. And he continued, still angry, about Haitian migrants who “eat domestic animals”.

All this to say that journalists from Washington Post showed up at Trump rallies to find that a number of the ex-president’s supporters were indeed leaving before the end of his speeches. Why didn’t they stay until the end? I quote the key passage from the article by Post :

“The Republican presidential candidate regularly draws large, enthusiastic, rowdy crowds to his rallies and other campaign events, and in almost every case another pattern is clear: Dozens of people leaving the venue before the end. Most stay. But Trump often arrives late and drags on, prompting many to withdraw due to other responsibilities, priorities or, sometimes, a loss of patience and interest, according to interviews and observations of Washington Post covering dozens of events. Some said they wanted to avoid traffic or had work the next day. Others complained about the sound quality. A man wanted to go home to his French bulldog. Another wanted to find his daughter. A third had a Yorkie with him who started acting up. A fourth man said his phone was dead. »

In short, every reason is good to leave while Trump continues to speak.

Kamala Harris is less likely to see her supporters leave her rallies before the end of her speeches. These, after all, last about 20 minutes, not 90 or 120 minutes, like some of Trump’s speeches.

(Photo The Washington Post)

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Categories: United States, PoliticsTags: Donald Trump, Kamala Harris


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