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What Iran’s defeat changes for the Maghreb! – Today Morocco

This is undoubtedly the first time where the world has concretely touched upon this Iranian incapacity to come to the aid of its military instrument in Lebanon, despite the incandescent speeches and propagandist diatribes of its traditional communication.

There is a political reality that no one can dispute today. After the death of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nassrallah and the obvious weakening of the Lebanese “Party of God”, the Iranian regime suffered a great military, diplomatic and symbolic defeat. The proof is found in its inability to react militarily to avenge the hard blow dealt to its Lebanese proxies. Until now and to everyone’s surprise, the Tehran regime has limited itself to a media and political incantation which betrays its paralysis in the face of the acceleration of events on the Lebanese scene. And even its military response seems more controlled and more measured having warned the Americans and Israelis of its arrival in advance.
This is undoubtedly the first time where the world has concretely touched upon this Iranian incapacity to come to the aid of its military instrument in Lebanon, despite the incandescent speeches and propagandist diatribes of its traditional communication. What aggravates this Iranian situation is the mass of suspicions which persistently weigh on the Iranian services of having, if not encouraged, at least allowed the elimination by Israel of the leader of Hezbollah Hassan Nassrallah. This liquidation crowned a series of security debacles that remained unpunished despite the loud promises of the Iranian regime. The most famous being the assassinations of Qassem Soulaymani, commander of the Al Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards, and Ismaël Haniyeh, the head of the Hamas political bureau, killed in the heart of the Iranian capital. This Iranian discredit is news that cannot leave anyone indifferent, particularly in the Maghreb. With Morocco, the Iranian regime is in complete rupture. Tehran made the strategic choice to build a political alliance with the Algerian military regime and openly supports its antagonistic policy with Morocco. The Algiers / Tehran duo walks hand in hand and cultivates a form of political intimacy, altogether natural between two regimes which have chosen the strategy of defiance and rupture with the international community.
In several intelligence reports, Lebanese Hezbollah has been caught providing military and logistical support to Polisario separatist militias. Operations facilitated and organized by the Algerian army which found there unexpected help in its policy of destabilization of the region.
This approach by Hassan Nassrallah’s party was part of a broad aggressive Iranian policy towards Morocco and of which Algiers was the pivot and the bridge. Moreover, while the Algerian regime maintained tense relations with its regional environment, it developed an alliance with the Iranian regime, the result of which was that it transformed Algeria into a launching pad for Iranian influence in South Africa. North and in the Sahel region. This strategic intimacy between Algiers and Tehran was largely responsible for the distrust, even the rejection, that the Algerian regime arouses among major players in the international community.
In its neurotic policy towards its neighbors, the Algerian regime has allowed Iran to establish a large foothold in the Maghreb, entering into direct collusion with Morocco.
Between Morocco and Iran, there is a dangerous relationship. Beyond what can be perceived as religious competition between Sunnis and Shiites, both real and sublimated, the Iranian regime has nourished an animosity against Morocco that borders on the irrational. In total complicity with the Algerian regime, Tehran had put into orbit a policy of destabilization of all Arab and Muslim countries which do not embrace its political agendas. To achieve these objectives, a policy of subversion and support for the multiple factors sowing chaos in this region had been at work for years. How many times have propagandists of the Iranian regime expressed direct threats against Morocco, as the fake Iranian “diplomat” Amir Moussaoui, who became the darling of the Algerian media and who single-handedly embodied the junction between the anti- -Moroccan influence of the Algerian regime, the involvement of Lebanese Hezbollah within the Polisario separatist militias and the Iranian agenda which aims to divide and weaken the region.
With the new political situation implied by the fall of Hezbollah in the face of repeated blows from the Israeli army, Iran is losing a precious card of influence in the region. Its inaction, its inability to respond to these attacks showed the whole world the monster with feet of clay that the Iranian regime and its many proxies had become, much more in posture than in warlike or political effectiveness.


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