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Nicolas Sarkozy praises King Mohammed VI (video)

While the “obligation to leave French territory” (OQTF) returns to the forefront in ’s relations with the Maghreb after the assassination in of a young French woman, Filipina, whose alleged perpetrator is a young Moroccan subject to this administrative measure, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy welcomes the efforts made by Morocco under the leadership of King Mohammed but blames Algeria.

Nicolas Sarkozy joins the debate on the “obligation to leave French territory” (OQTF). To facilitate the return of people subject to this administrative measure, he proposes a solution. “Now it is clear: visas in exchange for consular return authorizations” he declared Monday September 30 on CNews. In September 2021, Paris decided to halve the entry permits granted to Moroccans, to push Morocco “to change its policy and agree to issue these consular passes”. “We would like the reaction to be more cooperation with France so that we can enforce our migration rules,” insisted Gabriel Attal, then government spokesperson.

Read:Expulsion policy: Morocco aligns with France

Since 2023, Morocco has no longer slowed down the effectiveness of effective deportations to the border once the obligations to leave French territory (OQTF) have been issued. The kingdom agrees to take back its nationals. Cooperation efforts praised by Nicolas Sarkozy. “I would like to say that Morocco is doing quite well thanks to the exceptional personality of the King of Morocco,” he said. Praise that Algeria does not receive. “In Algeria, we give hundreds of thousands of visas each year, we must be able to obtain hundreds of consular return authorizations,” estimated the former president. Deduction: unlike Rabat, Algiers does not make enough cooperation efforts in terms of consular return authorizations.

Read: North Africans, first foreigners expelled from France

The assassination, in Paris, of Philippine, a young woman of 19 years old, whose alleged perpetrator is a Moroccan citizen subject to an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF), has relaunched the debate on the application of this measure administrative in France. Morocco had issued a consular pass to organize the return of the young Moroccan accused of the murder. The French authorities even received this pass a few days before the murder of Philippine, it was reported. AsIs.


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