DayFR Euro

These journalists who try to manipulate us

I’m in a real ordeal and it has to come out.

Let’s look at the media panorama together.

You have the opinion column, like this one, necessarily subjective.

The opinion may be based on a more or less solid and convincing argument, but it will ultimately remain a personal opinion.

You have factual reporting, but which does not hide the political orientation it serves.

Fox News et Release make no secret of their commitment to the right and the left. There is no hypocrisy.

You finally have the report which claims to be objective, but which is not at all.


This is the one that’s spreading and makes me want to scream because he thinks I’m an idiot.

How do you pretend to be objective when you’re not?

By the choice of people interviewed, by the facts that are glossed over, by the choice of words used, by the refusal to ask sensitive questions, etc.

A group makes a claim and the journalist will present this claim as a self-evident right.

A thug gets shot and he is introduced to us as a “rapper” because he recorded a lousy song.

An outbreak of homicides in the rap industry?

We are moved by the rise of homophobia in Montreal schools without making the connection with the massive influx of young people from deeply conservative cultures.

We take as fact the 215 burials of indigenous children in a residential school even though not a single shovel has been done to establish the truth.

We give the floor to “experts”, always the same, who take up as a truth the falsehood established a thousand times of immigration as a solution to the labor shortage.

We give the floor to “experts”, always the same ones, who praise the benefits of EDI policies without a word on the studies which establish their counterproductive effects.

“Experts” deny the link between massive immigration and an accentuation of the housing crisis, as if supply and demand did not exist.

They are, in fact, experts at passing off their activism as rigorous knowledge.


The phenomenon is widespread.

In the United States, reports ignore the fact that the vast majority of African-Americans are shot by other African-Americans and not by the police, under the pretext of not “stoking racism.”

In , reports on crime or riots “in sensitive neighborhoods” ignore the high proportion of young people of Arab-Muslim origin involved, under the pretext of not “stoking Islamophobia”.

Despite formidable exceptions, it must be said that it is above all young journalists, trained in skepticism, even hostility towards the ideal of objectivity, who are accustomed to these manipulations.

It should come as no surprise that citizen confidence is in free fall.


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