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Municipal elections | Count “Tête de Poubelle”, an unusual candidate in London

Count “Tête de Poubelle” (“Tête de Poubelle” Binface » ) is an independent political candidate who is running his London mayoral campaign with a trash can on his head and a long cape around his shoulders.

Posted at 1:36 p.m.

This character, who represents an extraterrestrial from the planet Sigma Neuf, is a creation of the British comedian Jonathan David Harvey.

“I think the British system is the one that most encourages eccentricity, wonder and humor in politics,” he says. So I say it should be cherished, it should be celebrated and that is why I am here. »

The earl has already stood in the 2021 London election, securing almost 25,000 first choice votes and more than 68,000 second choice votes. The winner and current mayor, Sadiq Khan, had received more than 1,000,000 first choice votes and 400,000 second choice votes.

Binface » also ran in the 2019 legislative elections against Boris Johnson, then Prime Minister. Following Johnson’s resignation, he contested the 2023 by-election where he finished eighth out of 17 candidates.

His program includes several eccentric proposals. He thus wishes to rename London Bridge in honor of the English actress Phoebe Waller-Bridge or to ensure that “all meetings start 10 minutes later”.

The UK is not the only country with a history of prank candidates. A chimpanzee named Macaco Tião ran for mayor of Rio de Janeiro in 1988 and came third.


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