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“I trembled while looking at him”: the hiker who discovered the bones of little Emile opens up

The case shook all of : a little two-year-old boy named Emile disappeared in Haut Vernet on July 8, 2023, before being found a few months later, deceased, by a hiker.

On March 30, when he had been missing in Haut-Vernet since July 8, 2023, in France, for several months, little Émile was found dead by a hiker, in a path.

Questioned by our colleagues from RTL France, the hiker in question, Sadia, 60, returned to this traumatic experience. “I walk, I walk, I walk. And there, right in the middle of the path, there is the skull. It is white, all white, immaculate. I tremble, I look at him trembling and I say, wow, that’s the little one, that’s the little one’s skull. I don’t know why, but I’m sure of it“, she testifies.

Using plastic bags, she collects the skull before taking it to the police station. On social networks, the lady was even accused of having been the murderer of the little one. “It was very shocking, it hurt“, she explains. “I hope there will be an answer regardless. That one day the parents, and then even the police, everyone will truly know who the culprit is, if there is one, or if it is an accident. How did all this happen?

The investigation continues to determine the exact circumstances of the death of the boy, 2 years old at the time of his disappearance.

Émile Haut Vernet France


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