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In Austria, the Beer Party focuses on young people

Published on September 28, 2024 at 05:30.

Wels, medium-sized town in Upper Austria. This Saturday afternoon, in a square in the city center, around thirty people wait in front of a truck whose rear door, lowered, serves as a stage. Finally a well-known silhouette arrives here, slim jeans and black t-shirt, sunglasses screwed on his nose: Marco Pogo. This 37-year-old rock singer is famous in Austria, particularly for his songs with his group Turbobier.

But Dominik Wlazny – his real name – has not come to give a concert, he is there to campaign on behalf of his party, the Bierpartei. Launched in 2015 almost as a joke by this former medical student, the Beer Party has kept a humorous tone, but today it aims to be a real alternative to traditional parties. After gathering 8% of the votes in the 2022 presidential election, Dominik Wlazny launched the campaign for the legislative elections, which take place this Sunday and for which the far right is the favorite. A campaign that he carried out like a rock tour, crisscrossing the roads in a truck, making short stops, like this Saturday in Wels, to present his program.

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