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Hezbollah says it fired 90 rockets at military base in northern Israel

Hezbollah said Tuesday it had targeted an Israeli military base near Safed in northern Israel with two salvos of 90 rockets in total, as Lebanon is hit by intense Israeli raids.

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• Also read: New Israeli strikes on Lebanon after deadly day

• Also read: “A massacre”: Israeli strikes against Hezbollah leave 492 dead, including 35 children

“In defense of Lebanon and its people,” Hezbollah fighters targeted “the Dado base” near Safed in northern Israel, headquarters of the Israeli army’s northern command, with a total of 90 rockets, the powerful pro-Iranian formation said in two separate statements.

For its part, the Israeli army affirmed in the evening that the Lebanese Hezbollah had fired around 300 rockets on its territory on Tuesday, after having indicated earlier in the day that its air force had pounded sites of the Islamist movement in Lebanon.

“Today, approximately 300 rockets were fired into Israeli (territory), injuring six civilians and soldiers, most of them lightly,” army spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a televised press briefing.


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