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Here’s what these 9 centenarian brothers and sisters eat every lunchtime to stay healthy

Every lunchtime, these 9 siblings eat the same thing. This meal could be the key to their incredible longevity. Delve into this family’s secrets and learn how to incorporate this recipe into your daily life.

Have you ever heard of this family? It is the Melis family, a different clan of others. Besides, this clan beat the longevity record. Since the nine members of this family had a combined age of 861 years, the siblings, originally from Sardinia, are listed in the Guinness World Records. Consolata Melis was the eldest of the clan and died at the age of 108 in 2015. Three years before her death, she was interviewed by the Guardian newspaper on the occasion of her 105e anniversary. During the interview, Consolata Melis revealed this soup that she consumed every lunchtime. We’ll tell you more.

The Melis family and the secret of their health and longevity

The place of food

What we put in our plate plays a fairly important role in our health, but also in our longevity. Melis, a Italian family most of whose members have almost become centenarians is proof of this. The Melis clan lives in Sardinia, precisely in the town of Perdasdefogu. The town has been in the news a lot because of the people who live there who are over 100 years old. While for some specialists, having a specific character trait allows you to live a long time, for others, diet is also a key factor.

What the statistics say

According to Luisa Salaris, a dermographer from the University of Cagliari, the number of centenarians in the municipality of Perdasdefogu is 16 times higher than the average for the Sardinia region. The number is also 19 times higher than the average for Italy. Let us specify that the number of inhabitants of the municipality of Perdasdefogu is 1765 people, reports In the feminine. This is where the nine Melis siblings live, who holds the record for the largest sibling group. older of the world since 2012.

The secret of their longevity

This family, whose youngest is 78 years old, is regularly questioned about the secrets of their longevity. To answer the question, the clan is unanimous: their diet played a vital role in their health and longevity. For members of this family, consuming minestrone soup every day at lunchtime contributes greatly to keeping them healthy and living a long life. Also in the context of longevity, a Norwegian study has shown that regular consumption of a very specific starchy food increases life expectancy.

The Secret Recipe for the Melis Siblings’ Miracle Soup

The ingredients

The Melis siblings have all made this Italian specialty a real ritual. We can therefore say that this meal has succeeded for them. This is also what the magazine reports The Sun after an interview with Dan Buettener, a longevity specialist. The latter was interested in the different ingredients of the miracle soup. The soup is made with white and pinto beans, chickpeas, and a mix of seasonal vegetables. The Melis family members accompany the soup with a slice of sourdough bread and wine.

A modifiable recipe

After a meeting with the Melis brothers, Dan Buettener said that the soup has the potential to improve sibling longevity. “Combining these different ingredients in one bowl is delicious, rich in protein and fiber that are good for the microbiome.”he explained in the columns of the magazine The Sun. He recommends adding it when the preparationvegetables such as broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, cabbage or green beans. This means that it is possible to modify the recipe depending on the ingredients you have at hand. However, you should not stray too far from the initial recipe.

Other secrets of their longevity

Aside from this miracle soup, the Melis siblings reveal that their rural lifestyle and simple is also one of the key factors that positively influences their health and longevity. According to several studies conducted in the blue zoneshave a minimalist diet and healthy is one of the secrets to staying fit and having longevity. The blue zones are rare places where there are more centenarians.


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