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“This expansion of the Russian military force could prepare the next phase of the war”

For me, it simply confirms a development that has been taking place since the invasion of Ukraine: a militarization of Russian society at all levels.“, analyses Tom Simoens, professor of history at the Royal Military Academy.”I was a little surprised because I think the Russians already have a lot of difficulty filling the expected squad now.“, he continues. For the professor, such an expansion of the Russian armed forces is therefore difficult to conceive in practice.”I don’t know where he’s going to find the soldiers. Especially since the Russians are really having trouble getting enough workers and laborers in the different branches of the economy. I don’t see right away what effect this could have since the Russians are already recruiting as much as possible. So it’s all well and good to say that the army wants 180,000 more men, but the men aren’t there. And if recruiting them means stopping certain branches of industry and the national economy, that will have negative effects.” However, this decree could allow more conscripts to be incorporated into the army.

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Russia therefore faces a challenge, explains Tom Simoens. Either strengthen the armed forces at the expense of industry and the economy, or prioritize the economy in order to sustain the war effort in the longer term.There is also a material issue, of framework, of officers and non-commissioned officers. It is also necessary to provide training to these soldiers.“, he specifies.

Faced with this lack of volunteers, one solution could be to increase bonuses.”We have seen a long-term evolution in the past, which was to increase bonuses. This means that there is a problem between the supply and demand of soldiers. The demand is greater than the supply.“, says the professor.

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Heavy losses among Russian forces

The recruitment announcement comes as Russia is estimated to be facing heavy losses on the battlefield.With all the losses of Russia and with all the difficulties of recruitment, I do not think that the solution is an enlargement on paper of 180,000 men, that is not going to solve the problems of the Russian soldiers.“, according to Tom Simoens.

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In my opinion, they recruit about what they lose per month. But if, indeed, they are able to recruit more than their losses but they cannot because they exceed the number of troops provided for by law and that is why they are expanding the number of troops, then it is very bad for Ukraine. Because it means that the losses are less than estimated and therefore the influx of volunteers is greater than the losses. It is a catastrophe for Ukraine if this is true. Until now, it has been estimated that the Russian losses, which are 20,000 men, are approximately equivalent to the recruitment“, he specifies.

What is the point of Vladimir Putin issuing such a decree if the recruitment targets are still not met?

For Tom Simoens, it is more of a “psychological operation against the West, Ukraine and Russia“. “This fits into Russian rhetoric that the Russians are surrounded and threatened by NATO.“, he adds. Putin would therefore send a message to his people to encourage them to support the Russian army.”This is a message to the Russian public that the war is not over. Investments and sacrifices are needed, and the armed forces are very important for the survival of the country.“There is a real”transformation of the Russian economy from a peacetime economy to a wartime economy“.

This expansion of the military force could prepare the next phase (of the war, Ed.). It could be a more rigorous posture towards NATO, Finland, the Baltic countries. I think the Russians have more of a long-term project than the West with this conflict,” analyzes the professor of the Royal Military School.This is not good for Ukrainian morale either. It shows once again the Russian resolve, determination to wage this war to a good end for Moscow.” he adds.

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An expansion to retake Kursk?

According to Tom Simoens, Russia did not need more men in its army to retake Kursk.I think that with an army of more than a million men, Russia should have been able to stop and push back the Ukrainians from Kursk. It is estimated that the Ukrainians have in Kursk and Sumy a maximum of 40,000 men. I think that the Russians control the situation and that it does not require a structural expansion of the armed forces by 180,000 men.

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