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Israel suffers new setback – La Nouvelle Tribune

As the war between the Palestinian Hamas and the Israeli armed forces continues to rage, almost a year after the conflict began, the Jewish state continues to seek support at the highest levels. Unfortunately, the United Nations is clearly not hearing it that way.

Indeed, during a general assembly held on September 18, the UN called for an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories within twelve months. If measures to achieve this were not put in place, the UN could sanction the Hebrew state. A resolution adopted by 124 votes in favor, against 14 votes against (for 43 abstentions).

UN goes against Israel

A decision considered historic by the UN, which provoked the anger of the Hebrew State, which did not fail to describe this announcement as “cynical”. In fact, the United Nations has officially recognized that the presence of Israel in these territories is illegal and that it must be ended as soon as possible. A decision which, however, has no binding aspect.

In addition to the departure of Israeli settlers, the UN also demands:

  • stopping the creation of new colonies,
  • the full restitution of land and properties that have been seized,
  • the return of Palestinians who were forcibly displaced following the seizures.

Washington continues to support its ally

A new setback for Israel after the UN voted, again by a very large majority, for Palestine’s accession to this international body, against which the United States had positioned itself. Moreover, Washington voted, once again, against this resolution in order to protect and support its Israeli ally (which is also defended during Security Councils, during which the right of veto is often applied).


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