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The Ministry of Agriculture introduces for the first time state support for new varieties of certified seeds –

For the 2024-2025 agricultural campaign, the Ministry of Agriculture has decided to expand its support for new varieties of certified seeds. For the first time, food and fodder legumes such as oats, triticale, beans, lentils and chickpeas will benefit from specific subsidies, we learn HespressThis initiative aims to improve the profitability of farmers and agricultural production in the Kingdom.

According to the ministry, the subsidies granted for these seeds will be adapted to each type of crop. Oat and triticale seeds will receive aid of 180 dirhams per quintal, while beans and vetches will be subsidized at 205 dirhams per quintal. Chickpeas and lentils will benefit from greater support, with 395 dirhams per quintal. These measures mark a paradigm shift in state support, by encouraging crop diversification through targeted support.

In addition, the multiplication subsidy, traditionally reserved for cereal seeds, will be extended to pulses. The ministry hopes to stimulate national production of certified seeds by encouraging multipliers to provide their entire harvest.

To meet the growing needs of farmers, the ministry plans to mobilize 1.26 million quintals of certified cereal seeds for the 2024-2025 campaign. Sonacos, a key player in the sector, will provide 1.16 million quintals, while private operators will contribute 100,000 quintals. Seed purchase prices will be kept at levels accessible to farmers. Soft wheat will be offered at 230 dirhams per quintal, durum wheat at 310 dirhams, and barley at 240 dirhams. These prices, supported by subsidies of around 40%, aim to ensure sustainable and profitable production for farms across the country.

Companies specializing in seed distribution will continue to benefit from a storage subsidy of 5 dirhams per quintal per month, over a period of nine months and for a volume not exceeding 220,000 quintals. This aid is supplemented by a rationalization of the distribution network and the development of the private sector, thus strengthening the efficiency and proximity of services for farmers. Beyond cereal and legume seeds, the government is extending its support to market garden crops. For the second consecutive season, seeds and plants of round tomatoes, potatoes and onions will benefit from subsidies covering between 50 and 70% of the total cost. This policy aims to improve productivity and stabilize prices on the national market.

Regarding fertilizers, the ministry is planning a massive supply for the upcoming campaign. Around 650,000 tons of phosphate fertilizers will be available at prices unchanged from the previous season. In parallel, 5 million quintals of imported nitrogen fertilizers will be made available, with government support to keep prices affordable. Farmers will be able to purchase these fertilizers at subsidized rates: 240 dirhams per quintal for 33% ammonium nitrate, 330 dirhams for 46% urea, and 150 dirhams for 21% ammonium sulfate. In addition, the state will continue to encourage laboratory soil, water, and plant analyses to optimize agricultural practices and promote more sustainable agriculture.

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All of these measures are part of the Ministry of Agriculture’s strategy to improve the efficiency of the Kingdom’s farms while maintaining affordable prices for producers and consumers. By supporting certified seeds and subsidizing agricultural inputs, the State aims to ensure stable, competitive agricultural production adapted to the needs of the national market. The 2024-2025 campaign is therefore shaping up to be an important milestone for the Moroccan agricultural sector.


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