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“He could have cooled down very quickly”: Disappearance Emile, the reasons why the bones could not be found before

Nine months searching in vain. It was finally a hiker who, while walking around Haut-Vernet, came across the bones of little Emile, missing since Saturday July 8, 2023. She found a skull and some teeth about 25 minutes’ walk away. of the village, in a “path without great difficulty“, admits prosecutor Jean-Luc Blachon. According to information from the magazine Mariannethe teams responsible for the investigation have, since, “depressed” And “blame themselves” to have passed by without ever spotting the child.

The bones of Emile Soleil were found in the landscapes of Trois-Evêchés, between Digne-les-Bains and , below a path, near a stream. According to several sources from the magazine Marianne, it would be, 90%, a simple accident. Still, this location could be responsible for the fact that the investigators saw nothing. “If he is fell into the torrent or a water hole, he could have drowned and therefore cool down very quickly”, explains General François Daoust, former boss of the gendarmerie’s judicial division. The child’s body could therefore not have been detected by the thermal cameras.

In case of drowning, no screaming”can we read in the columns of Marianne. “Less odors. And the body cools in the water, very quickly no more heat ‘signal’. Clearly, in the middle of dense vegetation in this summer month, the worst conditions for research.“People from the village had come near the scene on the day of Emile’s disappearance. Saint-Hubert dogs then did their work in the area but they stopped at the village wash house. Which seems all similarly very strange, for Stéphane Renaud, dog behaviorist trainer and former army dog ​​handler: “ dog can always be wrong, but not three.”, he assures. “Of course, late Saturday afternoon it was hot, which is not ideal, but the next morning the conditions were perfect. And there was very little wind. The Saint-Huberts are capable of following a six-day trail. For me, this is incomprehensible…

Find all the information on Emile’s disappearance in Marianne magazine, n° 1413, from April 11, 2024.


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