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Heba Press_Yasir Al-Ihya'i
Unprecedented escalation moves by a number of residents on the outskirts of the Spanish city of Tarragona due to high rent and additional maintenance costs.
This unprecedented step, initiated by the resident of a residential building of 23 apartments, has created a kind of fear among the original owners and the authorities, considering that it could affect other municipalities and destinations in the coming days if the authorities concerned did so. not intervene quickly to find appropriate solutions to reduce the price of monthly rent and build… New complexes house a large number of people looking for apartments to rent.
Hundreds of thousands of Spanish citizens and other nationalities demonstrated massively a few weeks ago in the streets of the capital, Madrid, denouncing the absence of a clear and rational policy in the face of the housing crisis. The government then showed itself to be bold. decisions to contain this growing popular anger, but these decisions and amendments are perceived by citizens. Spain is insufficient compared to the current situation, where many families live in mobile “caravans” at best, while the worst conditions are those of families who rent houses. apartments with… A shared kitchen and fireplace, and this is also the case for many Moroccan families.
Landlords see Tarragona's disobedience as a spark that could ignite throughout Spain and as a sign of an unprecedented crisis that will have repercussions on the economy and real estate in general.