Wombat walker, sauna driver… This country offers unique jobs to attract tourists – Ouest-France evening edition

Wombat walker, sauna driver… This country offers unique jobs to attract tourists – Ouest-France evening edition
Wombat walker, sauna driver… This country offers unique jobs to attract tourists – Ouest-France evening edition

By the evening edition.

In Tasmania you can become a wombat walker, paranormal investigator, truffle seeker, vine whisperer… To attract new tourists during the winter which runs from May to August, this island state, located in the south of Australia, offers amazing little jobs.

In Tasmania in winter (summer in France), there are not many tourists. So, to remedy the problem, the island state located to the south of Australia had an idea. To attract vacationers, the island has decided to offer rather unusual jobs. Don’t expect to make a fortune: these job offers are unpaid and reserved for adults residing in Australia.

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But good news for those who can claim it, “Travel, food and accommodation costs are covered by the Tasmanian Tourism Authority”notes the magazine Courier International . In total, ten positions in diverse and varied fields are to be filled for the low season, from June to August. The objective? “Barter [sa] daily routine for a funny job »we can read on the site which presents the initiative called “Odd Jobs”.

Getting wombats out of bed and chasing ghosts

So become, not a “dog-sitter” (a dog babysitter) but a wombat walker for a day. Qualities required to take care of Australian marsupials ? Get up early, love animals (no surprise) and don’t mind walking. The mission is to first get the wombats out of bed. Not that easy. “Our wombats sometimes prefer to sleep in”, warns the tourist office on its site. Once this step is over, all you have to do is walk them while ensuring that they behave well. “No bird hunting”specifies the job description.

Now, if you’re not comfortable with animals, don’t panic. Tasmania offers nine other jobs. Among them, that of paranormal investigator. The description is clear: “Discover the chilling story of Willow Court Asylum, Australia’s oldest asylum known to be haunted. Use the latest ghost hunting equipment to detect paranormal activity and follow your sixth sense to conduct your own nighttime investigation. »

“All you need is enthusiasm and a warm down jacket”

Another possibility: chase the stars. This offer is aimed more at “Astronomers interested in joining the Astronomical Society of Tasmania for a night to observe the sky are wanted”specifies BBC . A short training course will be provided to the employee. The objective? Helping Australian astronomers adjust telescopes to get the clearest images of the starry sky. “All you need is enthusiasm and a warm down jacket”we can read in the description of the job offer.

There are also jobs for truffle hunters, “wine whisperers”, cave guides, sauna drivers… The options are numerous. Tasmania is counting on this initiative to attract tourists this winter. In 2023, “1.25 million people visited the island”specifies BBC. This is more than in 2022, but still less than in 2019. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, 1.35 million tourists visited Tasmania.



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