After throwing her child in the trash, she laments her life in prison

After throwing her child in the trash, she laments her life in prison
After throwing her child in the trash, she laments her life in prison

A young American woman complains of always being hungry and not having enough time to watch TV during her stay in prison, according to the New York Post. She allegedly killed her one-year-old boy.

Leilani Simon allegedly beat her child “with an object” causing “excessive” pain, which caused the child’s death, according to information from prosecutors. The toddler’s body was discovered a few weeks after the crime in a dumpster near a mobile home park where the young mother lived.

While awaiting the verdict in her murder trial, she remains in prison. “There is no privacy even in our cells [parce qu’il y a] a camera. There is no clock. The lights are on 24 hours a day,” she described to the American media in an interview. “We are only allowed two hours a week [de télévision et de loisirs].”

She also mentioned dinner time which would be too early, around 4 p.m. “We are always hungry when we go to bed,” she said.

Mme Simon also denounced that the prison “punishes her for crimes that I am accused of having committed [et non condamnée]”.

The young mother who resides in the state of Georgia is the one who called 911 to report her son’s “disappearance”.

She has now been in custody since her arrest in November 2022. She faces several charges: murder, concealing a death, false reporting of a crime as well as 14 other charges for lying to investigators.



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