MEP Nathalie Loiseau testifies to the “fraud” observed on site

MEP Nathalie Loiseau testifies to the “fraud” observed on site
MEP Nathalie Loiseau testifies to the “fraud” observed on site
VANO SHLAMOV/AFP A polling station photographed in Tbilisi on October 26, 2024


A polling station photographed in Tbilisi on October 26, 2024

INTERNATIONAL – Feedback. The day after the legislative elections organized in Georgia (and considerably tainted by suspicions of fraud), Renew MEP Nathalie Loiseau reported on the social network Salomé Zourabichvili appeals to the people to contest the « falsification totale » results by the ruling pro-Russian party.

Very engaged on the issue of Russian interference in Europe, the elected Macronist (former president of the Security and Defense subcommittee and currently vice-president of the EU-Georgia parliamentary association committee in the European Parliament) denounces an electoral climate very far from democratic standards. “ I have just returned from Georgia where I participated in election observation. The least we can say is that intimidation reigned everywhere, that the ruling party amply used the means of the State for its advantage. “, begins Nathalie Loiseau, claiming to have “ witnessed fraud and violence ».

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« What freedom is there when we receive pressure and the secrecy of the vote is uncertain? Is electoral competition fair when the party in power has the State and almost all institutions and monopolizes public space? », then questions the former Minister of European Affairs close to Édouard Philippe, who judges “ impossible to say what the result would have been without the intimidation and fraud “. For President Salomé Zourabichvili, breaking with the government led by the pro-Russian Georgian Dream party, these irregularities are being managed from Moscow.

“Hybrid Warfare”

« We are witnesses and victims of a Russian special operation, a modern form of hybrid warfare against the Georgian people “, she denounced, in a context where the ruling party is accused of wanting to bring about a rapprochement between this former Soviet republic and Russia, which would considerably hinder accession to the European Union and NATO. However, this dual objective is nevertheless enshrined in its constitution.

As always in such a situation, Russia denies any involvement. “We strongly reject such accusations. There was no intervention. The accusations are completely unfounded”replied this Monday, October 28, the spokesperson for the Russian presidency Dmitri Peskov. Note on the French side that the Kremlin can count on RN MEP Thierry Mariani to defend it. “ From now on, if you lose an election, say it's the Russians' fault. This will legitimize a coup attempt to refuse the choice of voters “, reacted the elected Lepéniste, before delivering a minimally conspiratorial prediction: “ Soros has been preparing and financing it for years, von der Leyen is dreaming of it! ».

Also see on HuffPost:

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