Rojina from Sri Lanka is looking for her sister adopted by Belgians: “It was my adoptive parents who informed me of her existence.”

Rojina from Sri Lanka is looking for her sister adopted by Belgians: “It was my adoptive parents who informed me of her existence.”
Rojina from Sri Lanka is looking for her sister adopted by Belgians: “It was my adoptive parents who informed me of her existence.”

Australian Rojina Duval (34) was adopted as a baby in Sri Lanka. Today she is looking for her sister. “The only thing my adoptive parents could tell me was that she had been adopted by a Belgian couple”, she tells us when we contact her.

Rojina was six months old when she was adopted. She still has a photo of her with her biological mother which immortalizes the day she was abandoned. The reason for this breakup? Rojina knows her. “I had another disabled brother. He needed care and resources and his mother lacked them. She abandoned me so I could have a better life. I see it as an act of altruism.” And she will have this better life in Australia. “After abandonment, I was called Sarojini, but my adoptive parents then gave me the slightly older name.Australian’ by Rojina.” And what her mother wanted, her daughter got in Australia. Rojina tells us she had a great childhood, a great adolescence. Then she got married.

Nojina in the arms of her biological mother just before abandonment ©DR

Today, the young woman has two children. Becoming a mother catalyzed her desire to discover her roots.” I have an older adopted brother but also a younger sister. “.

“I am a child stolen in Sri Lanka then adopted in Belgium”: Philippe’s incredible story

Rojina has had access to this information since her adoptive parents returned to Sri Lanka, to the Salvation Army home, where she was abandoned. They were going there for a new adoption. “There, they were told that my biological mother had given birth to another daughter, who was also abandoned and adopted, by a Belgian couple. This is the only lead I have.

In Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, no documents or other traces of Rojina’s sister or the Belgian couple could be found. All files from that time have been destroyed.

Today, the Australian is increasing her calls for help, on social networks and in the media. And this, in the hope that his sister and his adoptive parents will recognize themselves in it. In the hope of obtaining the slightest information allowing her to be found. “My sister was probably born at De Soysa Women’s Hospital, the same hospital where I was born. She must be around 30 years old. The adoption must have taken place between 1989 and 1992. Maybe she looks like me? Maybe she will recognize herself in the photo?

International adoptions decrease year after year



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