A Russian space object capable of inspecting and attacking follows an American satellite in orbit, assures the Pentagon

A Russian space object capable of inspecting and attacking follows an American satellite in orbit, assures the Pentagon
A Russian space object capable of inspecting and attacking follows an American satellite in orbit, assures the Pentagon

Also read: The United States is panicked by a mysterious Russian weapon project in space

She in turn presented a draft resolution with China, which called for “urgent measures to prevent, forever, the placement of weapons in space and the threat or use of force in space. space”. A text that was not adopted. Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova declared Tuesday, after the rejection of the Russian text at the UN, that the White House was seeking to transform space into an “arena of military confrontation.”

Deputy American Ambassador Robert Wood described this text, presented on May 21, as “hypocritical”. The feared satellite, nicknamed Cosmos 2576, was launched with eight other satellites on May 16 – a few days before the UN vote – from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, located about 800 kilometers north of Moscow. Roskosmos, the Russian space agency, specifies in its press release that this launch took place “in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation”.

According to the BBC, “Cosmos 2576 appears to be in the same orbit as the American satellite USA 314.” The British channel recalls that, since February 2022, “Russia has warned that American satellites helping the Ukrainian army could become legitimate targets”. The American aircraft appears to be tracked. According to an examination by the Reuters news agency of orbital data from the United States Space Command, the Russian satellite appears to follow, at a faster speed, the orbital trajectory of the American device. The two should therefore get closer.

Also read, in 2021: Behind the Russian anti-satellite shot, the specter of the militarization of space

On Wednesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov called Pat Ryder’s remarks a “leak of information,” ABC News points out. “I don’t think we should react to any leak of information from Washington,” he told reporters from Moscow. Russian space program is growing […]this is not news.”



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