After Lebanon, Israel again strikes the Houthis in Yemen, allies of Hezbollah

After Lebanon, Israel again strikes the Houthis in Yemen, allies of Hezbollah
After Lebanon, Israel again strikes the Houthis in Yemen, allies of Hezbollah
ABDALLAH ADEL / AFP This Sunday, September 29, the Israeli army carried out strikes in Yemen. (Photo of a demonstration by Yemenis, September 27, 2024, to protest against Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza).


This Sunday, September 29, the Israeli army carried out strikes in Yemen. (Photo of a demonstration by Yemenis, September 27, 2024, to protest against Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza).

INTERNATIONAL – The conflagration in the Middle East continues. This Sunday, September 29, the Israeli army carried out strikes against the port and power plants in Hodeida, a city in western Yemen under the control of the Houthi rebels, reported Al-Massirah television, reporting to these insurgents. As it continues its strikes against Lebanese Hezbollah, the IDF has confirmed that it has struck “Houthi terrorist targets”.

“During a large-scale air operation on Sunday, dozens of air force aircraft… attacked military targets of the Houthi terrorist regime in the regions of Ras Issa and from Hodeida to Yemen »specified a spokesperson for the Israeli army, Captain David Avraham, in a press release to AFP.

Sites used for the transfer of “Iranian weapons”

The army “targeted power plants and a seaport used for oil imports”adds the press release. This port had previously been targeted by IDF strikes at the end of July, causing a gigantic fire.

The targeted sites were used by the Houthis, who seized the government headquarters in the capital Sanaa in 2014, to “transfer Iranian weapons to the region and supplies for military needs”according to the same source.

This strike “was carried out in response to recent attacks by the Houthi regime against the State of Israel”justified the IDF.

Tel Aviv airport hit by Houthi rebel missile

In fact, Yemen’s Houthi rebels fired a missile at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel on Saturday, the day after Israel’s assassination of Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Lebanese Hezbollah, their ally.

In a press release, the pro-Iranian movement reported a ” operation “ targeting Tel Aviv airport, with a missile called « Palestine 2 ». The Israeli army announced earlier on Saturday that it had also intercepted a missile fired from Yemen, which triggered warning sirens in the center of the country.

After the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah on Friday, the leader of the Houthi rebels said that his death “will not be in vain”.

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