Lebanon: “The Israelis pulled out all the stops…” How did the presence of an Iranian mole allow Israel to eliminate Hassan Nasrallah?

Lebanon: “The Israelis pulled out all the stops…” How did the presence of an Iranian mole allow Israel to eliminate Hassan Nasrallah?
Lebanon: “The Israelis pulled out all the stops…” How did the presence of an Iranian mole allow Israel to eliminate Hassan Nasrallah?

the essential
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah died this Saturday, September 28 in Israeli bombings. A Lebanese security source explains that this assassination was made possible by the infiltration of an Iranian mole.

Hassan Nassrallah was killed in Israeli bombings this Saturday, September 28. A very hard blow for Hezbollah of which he was the leader for three decades. And this decisive action taken by Israel against the Shiite organization that it seeks to destroy would have been made possible thanks to an Iranian mole according to the Parisian.

According to a Lebanese security source cited by the Ile-de- daily, it was this mole who warned the Israelis of the arrival of the Hezbollah leader at the site of the bombing. “The Israelis pulled out all the stops, they didn’t want to miss their target,” he explains. Once assured of Nasrallah’s arrival at his headquarters in the southern suburbs of Beirut, the Israeli general staff gave the order to bomb.

“The biggest attack we have seen since 2006”

The F-35s of the IDF – Israel’s army – were waiting in the Lebanese skies and the pilots then dropped 6 bombs of 2 tonnes each. These are bunker busting bombs since Nasrallah and other Hezbollah officials were in a protected bunker under a building for a crisis meeting. The explosion blew out two adjoining buildings and left a 30-meter-wide crater, in addition to the thick cloud of smoke that rose into the Beirut sky. “This is the biggest attack we have seen since 2006,” in the words of this source, cited by the Parisian.

The attack on Nasrallah was “very sophisticated. It demonstrates not only enormous technological capabilities but also the extent to which Israel has infiltrated Hezbollah,” said James Dorsey, a researcher at the University’s Middle East Institute. of Singapore.

“More than 20 other terrorists of various ranks, who were present in Beirut’s underground headquarters located under civilian buildings and who directed Hezbollah’s terrorist operations against the State of Israel, were also eliminated,” it said. Israeli army in a statement. In total, 33 people were killed and 195 others injured by Israeli strikes on Saturday September 28 alone in Lebanon, the Ministry of Health announced in the evening.

The Lebanese Ministry of Health also announced on Sunday September 29 that 14 rescue workers had been killed in Israeli raids against strongholds of the Islamist movement Hezbollah in Lebanon over the past two days. In a statement, the ministry said that Israel had “increased attacks against rescue workers and health centers”. The toll continues to rise without knowing when the bombings will stop.



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