Malaria kills in southern Algeria, amid regime indifference

Malaria kills in southern Algeria, amid regime indifference
Malaria kills in southern Algeria, amid regime indifference

The Algiers regime, busy dramatizing the sending of its aid to the populations sequestered by the Polisario in the Tindouf camps, was forced to react to the scale of the tragedy experienced by the populations of the south of the country, affected by an epidemic of malaria and diphtheria. However, elected officials and doctors in these regions alerted the authorities several days ago, while images of corpses buried in the ground and patients lying on the ground in the corridors of makeshift “hospitals” are circulating widely. on social networks.

On the orders of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the Algerian Ministry of Health deployed a medical team and sent medicines to the disaster areas in the south of the country, we read in a press release published last Friday.

«On the orders of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and taking into account the current situation, a medical commission composed of qualified medical staff, as well as a plane loaded with large quantities of medicines, anti-diphtheria serums and equipment protection were sent on Friday to the wilayas of Tamanrasset, In Guezzam and Bordj Badji Mokhtar“, we read in this press release.

Read also: Malaria epidemic in Algeria, due to recent rains

While he has just committed to building three hospitals in Gaza in 20 days, Abdelmadjid Tebboune has been very parsimonious with the Algerians in the south of the country, to whom he has just sent crumbs, after having turned a deaf ear listen to the drama they have been suffering for several weeks.

These health failures, which follow one another at a frantic pace in Algeria, once again contradict the words of Tebboune who declared, in 2022, that Algeria has “one of the best health systems in Africa, if not the best“. These unbearable failures also show the contempt in which the Algiers regime holds the populations of the south of the country who nevertheless live in territories rich in fossil fuels which are the nourishing breast of the country.

Read also: Malaria epidemic in Algeria, due to recent rains

Shockingly, the Ministry of Health is looking for responsibility among its neighbors, specifying that these epidemics are 90% “imported from affected countries», an allusion to neighboring Mali and Niger, while only 10% of cases come from indigenous people. An import against which he should have taken preventive measures.

To justify this explanation, the Ministry of Health adds that in 2019, “Algeria obtained the certificate from the World Malaria Organization» which declared her free from this disease. However, at the end of 2020, a malaria epidemic hit most of the country, between Tamanrasset in the far south and the regions of Ghardaia and Ouarghla further north.

These last two regions are only a few hundred kilometers from Algiers and are located thousands of kilometers from tropical and sub-Saharan zones, which demonstrates that malaria is neither eradicated nor imported into Algeria. At the time, the same ministry recognized that “2,726 cases of malaria, leading to three deaths, were recorded» in northern Algeria in 2020.

Other diseases occur regularly in Algeria, since in August 2019, a cholera epidemic broke out in several cities in the north and center of the country, notably in Algiers, Blida, Tipaza, Bouira, Médéa, Aïn Defla, causing many deaths.

According to information circulating on the Internet since Saturday, the Algerian regime has quarantined the entire south of the country, adding that during the next two months, no one will access the wilayas of southern Algeria, nor will they leave them towards other regions of the country.

At least that is what the Algerian Ministry of Health decided on September 28 after understanding the extent of the devastation caused by the epidemics, which caused hundreds of deaths in the wilayas of In Guezzam, Tamanrasset and Bordj Badji. Mokhtar. These have been declared “disaster areas”.



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