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Wild salmon population at lowest in Norway

Wild salmon population at lowest in Norway
Wild salmon population at lowest in Norway


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September 20, 2024 – 7:15 p.m.

(Keystone-ATS) Norwegian authorities on Friday announced new restrictions on fishing for wild salmon, whose population has fallen to its lowest level in recent years, with scientists pointing the finger at aquaculture.

“After several years of declining numbers of salmon returning to spawn in rivers, and with the number of large salmon returning to some parts of the country at record lows this year, we believe it is necessary to take a precautionary approach,” said the head of the Norwegian Environment Agency, Ellen Hambro.

“This means a more restricted fishery early in the season, with the possibility of allowing more later if the number of salmon returns proves sufficient,” she said.

After hatching and spending a few years in fresh water, wild salmon migrate to the sea, where they spend one to three years before returning to their river. This is often the time when sport fishermen can indulge in their passion.

But the number of river returns has declined sharply in recent years, falling to their lowest in 2021 and 2023.

So much so that the Environment Agency, without warning, closed 33 rivers and the entire south coast of the country to wild salmon fishing on June 24.

Cages submerged in the fjords

The Scientific Council for Salmon Management, an independent body set up by the Environment Directorate, is questioning the farming of salmon in cages submerged in the fjords.

Due to the high concentrations of fish in these screened facilities, sea lice and diseases thrive and infect young wild salmon that pass nearby.

Additionally, when they escape, farmed salmon weaken the genetic heritage of their wild cousins ​​by mixing with them.

Climate change is also being blamed, particularly because of its impact on the salmon food chain, the mismatch between the arrival of young salmon and that of the organisms they feed on, and periods of drought.



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