Inclusion, transgender, climate… 8,000 Internet pages erased by the Trump administration

Dthousands of data now not found. More than 8,000 Internet pages, out of a dozen American government sites, have been abolished in the United States since Friday, January 31, reports an analysis of the New York Times. The federal agencies responded to the orders of President Donald Trump who targets the measures of diversity, equity and inclusion by demanding the deletion of any reference to what he describes as “gender ideology” before last Friday, 17 hours.
This great cleaning concerns both information on vaccines, veterans care, hatred crimes, and scientific research. According to the analysis, entire sections have been removed from government sites. American disease control and prevention centers (CDC) and other federal health agencies have notably deleted web pages containing HIV information.
According to Reuters, the content deleted from the CDC include HIV statistics in transgender persons and data on health disparities in young gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender. According to the New York Timesa thousand articles classified in the “prevention of chronic diseases” category, linked to Alzheimer’s disease, or on vaccines intended for pregnant women have also disappeared. So many sites that were regularly used as references by many researchers and doctors.
Read too Transgender: The identity in questionThe elimination of these data “creates a dangerous gap in information and scientific data to monitor epidemics and respond to them,” said infectious Diseases Society of America and the HIV Medicine in a joint statement Association.
Inclusion, transgender, climate change
Public health data is not the only ones to have been victims of a purge. THE New York Times noted the deletion of more than 180 pages of the Ministry of Justice, including all data on hatred crimes including those anti-LGBT. More than 1,000 pages of the Department of Justice have also been cleaned, including an article on violence in romantic relationships between adolescents. Scientific articles in several areas (including optics or chemistry) are also not found.
To discover
The kangaroo of the day
In the majority of cases, the deleted pages mentioned words such as “inclusion” or “transgender”. Other pages of the government, although always accessible, have already been stripped of words relating to diversity, gender and climate change, reports the Washington Post. Other data may still disappear in the days or weeks to come.
In parallel, Donald Trump blew up the measures of diversity, equity and inclusion in the American administration. “As of today, the official policy of the United States government is that there are now only two genres: man and woman,” he insisted during his inauguration speech. Since then, passports with the genus “X” for people identifying themselves as non -binary are no longer delivered. The word “gender” has also been deleted from federal agencies forms.