Five dead and around fifty injured in Izioum, the authorities suspect a shot of Russian ballistic missile Iskander

An NGO worried about a security services survey against Ukrainian media
The Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ), an NGO for the defense of journalists located in the United States, alerts to a report which explains that the Ukrainian security services are investigating on the independent information site Ukrainska pravdasuspected of having disclosed « secrets d’Etat ».
The media announced, at the end of January, that it was the subject of an investigation due to reported words as coming from the head of the Ukraine Security Service (SBU), who said that Ukraine needed peace negotiations soon.
“The CPJ is concerned about the opening in Ukraine of a criminal investigation for disclosure of state secrets based on reports ofUkrainska pravda »said Gulnoza Said, coordinator of the Europe and Central Asia of the CPJ. “Ukrainian authorities must commit to respecting the confidentiality of sources and refrain from putting pressure on independent journalism”added the NGO.
Ukrainska pravda said the SBU informed him of the criminal investigation after he reported comments made by SBU chief, Kyrylo Boudanov, in Parliament during a closed session.
The editor -in -chief ofUkrainska pravda denied any reprehensible act and declared that the site was still operating in compliance with the law and adhered to journalistic standards.
The case is added to a long -standing open quarrel between Ukrainska pravda And the president’s office, which has already targeted the information site for its critical articles on the government.