DayFR Euro

Spacer’s : residents want more, Earvin Ngapeth too! The championship makes its comeback

the essential
The are starting their season in with the ambition of replaying the play-offs of a championship boosted by the return of double Olympic champion Earvin Ngapeth.

The Spacer’s ended, last season, a long disenchanted parenthesis of seven years without participation in the play-offs. And even if they only made a short trip there by being eliminated in the quarter-final against (2-3), the reunion with the Top 8 of the championship whetted the appetite of the teammates of the indestructible Facundo Santucci (37 years old). They won’t say it but they all think about it very strongly, especially the experienced Argentinian captain. Sixth last April, Toulouse have the means to achieve their hidden ambitions.

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First, because they managed to retain all their strength (Hervoir, Picard and Winkelmuller). Then because they added a triumphant youth with the central Jules Duthoit (19 years old, and winner of the Euro U20 and U22) and the young receiver-attacker Noa Duflos-Rossi (17 years old, Euro U18 and U20). If the pre-season held its share of annoyances with a few injuries (Bouchez, Petkov, Winkelmuller) the state of mind of the group seems to have been skillfully maintained. “Last season this is what allowed us to thwart certain predictions and this is what we will have to rely on again” affirms Patrick Duflos.

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Ngapeth, thirteen years later…

If the Toulouse residents will be largely satisfied with a place in the Top 8, some have other obligations: firstly the outgoing French champion Saint-Nazaire, even if the latter will have difficulty repeating the surprise, but also the usual favorites of , and . Finally, the simple fact of having succeeded in bringing double Olympic champion Earvin Ngapeth back to makes a serious candidate.

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At 33, the MVP of the last Olympics initially signed up until at least December, but it is rumored that he could well stay the whole season. The unexpected return to his favorite club of the best French player in history, thirteen years after leaving France, is already a fantastic opportunity for the championship. On your marks…


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