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ten days of pure madness for Alterna Stade Poitevin

A final shock made Lawson-Body tremble when Earvin Ngapeth concluded the match against with an ace… Since the double Olympic champion appeared with the Alterna jersey at Stade Poitevin, at 8:16 p.m., Thursday September 19 , during the partners’ evening, the lines just keep coming. To the point of causing « a tsunami »as Cédric Enard describes it, which the Stade club is trying to confront. “I knew it was going to simmer but at this point, it’s boiling”slips the Poitevin manager. To the point of experiencing some heat strokes. Like Thursday, when the Alterna SPVB had to stop its ticketing due to the influx of requests for the visit of Narbonne, while the friendly match against TVB had attracted more than 2,300 people last weekend.

More than 2,300 people attended the friendly match against .
© (Photo archives cor. NR-CP, Mickaël Pichon)

“It was a test match and we did well to treat it like that because we weren’t ready and we drank the broth”admits Cédric Enard. To try to keep its head above water, the Alterna SPVB, with the help of the National Volleyball League (LNV), was able to rely on the Blanco Negro agency to manage the numerous media requests including is the subject of the double Olympic champion. This fantastic spotlight came to fruition on Thursday, at Lawson-Body, with the arrival of twelve national media, including The Team et Le Parisien – Today in who devoted pages to the Ngapeth phenomenon.

“It goes beyond volleyball”

The international will also participate for the first time in the show Stade 2 this Sunday on France 3and will soon appear on the show Clique hosted by Mouloud Achour on Canal +while C to youon France 5also hopes to count him among his guests. Proof, if any were needed, that the return of Poitevin to the city of his heart “goes beyond the scope of volleyball”says the Stade manager, and Lawson-Body, without it coming down to numerous discussions in the streets of the Poitou city, hairdressing salons or supermarkets.

A big media day took place Thursday at Lawson-Body, including a duplex organized for the L’Equipe channel.
© (Photo archives cor. NR-CP, Mickaël Pichon)

The interest is extraordinary, the impacts multiple. Potential new partners are calling, to the point of having “changed Stéphane’s job (Allain, salesperson) as he says »slips Cédric Enard, sales of flocked jerseys of No. 86 are breaking records, the visibility on social networks is incredible… And Earvin Ngapeth always lends himself to the game. On the field as well as off it.

Earvin Ngapeth took the time to greet an old acquaintance at Futuroscope.
© (Photo archives cor. NR-CP, Mickaël Pichon)

Without forcing himself, like last Friday during the cohesion day of the Alterna Stade Poitevin at Futuroscope, when he went for a little trip to the kitchen to greet an old acquaintance whom he had not seen for ten years. ‘years. A moment out of time during these last ten days of pure madness…


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