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Alterna Stade Poitevin is moving in the direction of history

The black, white and green have not faded during the summer. The Lawson-Body hall, which received a facelift last season that did a lot of good, has not been transformed in recent weeks. And yet, around the temple of volleyball, everything, or almost everything, has changed.

Year II of the Alterna Stade Poitevin even coincides with “year zero” of the project between the green energy supplier and the volleyball club, as announced by the leaders at the end of last week. Without them trying to turn back time. Rather, to not lose any more, by accelerating the structuring and professionalization of this institution.

Consistency as the key word

The famous arrow of time, which the coach of the French XV, Fabien Galthié, has seized upon in recent years, only induces one direction forward. Despite its budget of 1.9 million euros, the Alterna SPVB cannot fight against it but it can, on the other hand, use the past to think about the present and the future. After having closed, in March, the chapter written for eleven years by Brice Donat to open a new page in its history.

Cédric Enard arrived to give it meaning. His return to seems to be the right one. The child of Stade Poitevin has become a recognized technician. Ready and determined to carry the new project of his favorite club, to make those of Poitevin beat again.

Earvin Ngapeth, project stakeholder

It has already been successful with the arrival of Earvin Ngapeth. The double Olympic champion returned to his city, at least until December, to finally wear the jersey of a club that his father, Eric, had taken to the top of French volleyball. An anomaly finally erased thanks to the partner Alterna, without whom this incredible signing could not have taken place, and by the will of the two men driven by the same pride to shine their ” territory “ or their ” village “according to each person’s vocabulary.

Focused on young people and training

Cédric Enard and Earvin Ngapeth, on the other hand, speak the same language when they talk about training and the place that Alterna Stade Poitevin must give to young French people. This is the new project that they are carrying out together and that is already embodied by recruit Thomas Pujol, U21 and U22 European champion this summer with the Bleuets. A first message sent, while the opening of the training center is hoped for next season.

The Alterna SPVB calendar.
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The future is now. And Dan Lewis is working for it. Because his coaching profile matches this new ambition. As his Canadian nationality fits perfectly with the glorious past of the Poitevin club, to which several of his compatriots have contributed. Everything seems so coherent, so logical… Which sport is not always, even if, on paper, the Poitevin team can legitimately aim for qualification for the play-offs that it has not played since 2021.

A large and homogeneous group

Before the arrival of Earvin Ngapeth, Cédric Enard had managed to put together a homogeneous group of fourteen players while respecting the same regulated payroll as last year. A small feat and multiple possibilities for Dan Lewis, with nice moves like the recruitments of Franco Massimino and Simon Magnin after the -Rezé shipwreck. “We want to grow seriouslysays president François Garreau, who does not forget that the club experienced the same misfortune as the Nantes team in 2012. wasn’t built in a day. We know where we want to go, we know what project we have, but for the athlete, we have to give time time.” To write a beautiful story…

The Alterna SPVB workforce.
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The Alterna SPVB workforce.
© (NR-CP Infographic)

The Alterna SPVB workforce.
© (NR-CP Infographic)


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