Volley-Ball wins without shining in Zagreb in the round of 16 first leg

Volley-Ball wins without shining in Zagreb in the round of 16 first leg
Tours Volley-Ball wins without shining in Zagreb in the round of 16 first leg

From our special correspondent in Zagreb

Mladost Zagreb: 1
 : 3

The Tours Volley-Ball ended up getting through it, and in four rounds. Which was a minimum, but also the most important. For the rest, this meeting was sluggish to say the least, in a room with a loud sound system but no atmosphere…

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From the warning…

And yet, Tours started its evening ideally by breaking from the first exchanges (1-4). Except that he didn't manage to hit the nail on the head, a scenario that would repeat itself throughout this strange match… At 9-13, he suffered an ominous 6-2 (15-15). The exit of Gergye, who was on the gridiron at reception, but who was also taken care of by the physiotherapist, was not encouraging either. The entry of Quiroga, however, was good, as was the return of Coric to service (18-21), then that of Pothron which Marshman brought to fruition (19-24). With five set points, TVB could see two slip away to win 21-25.

…to the sanction…

Only, in the second set, the Tourangeaux were going to be absorbed by this same rhythm within. Broken from the start (4-1), they equalized, certainly (5-5), even continued (7-9) without managing to boost their game. They therefore exposed themselves to the envy of Zagreb, to the appreciations the referees (who whistled a lot during this meeting) but also and above all their own faults… And this is how the TVB found themselves at 23-20 against him. The entries of Sclater (serving) and Strehlau were winning (23-23). But a contentious decision and an impeccable block from Peric on Egleskalns proved fatal (25-23).

… before a final heat stroke

The TVB would continue to scare itself in the third round, but to a lesser extent. With +4 often (9-13, 14-18) and even +5 at the start of money-time (15-20), Marcelo Fronckowiak should not have had to call a timeout. And yet… After a foul called on Voss, a block on Pothron who went straight out but rebounded on Tourangeau and an ace from Jovovic, Zagreb was back at 18-20! A heat stroke without follow-up, this time, with a round completed 20-25.

The last one was one way. Obviously less in legs, the Croats were no longer able to activate the yoyo. Service errors multiplied on both sides but the TVB took cover this time (12-19). Enough to allow Sclater and Gabin to enter to finish the match, and complete this round 18-25.



NEXT at the Alterna Stade Poitevin, Earvin Ngapeth charmed everyone