The show STAT is the Chouchou series of Quebecers. With its endearing characters, its kidnapping intrigues and its twists and turns every week, there are several of us being addicted.
The series features Emmanuelle St-Cyr (Suzanne Clément), head of the emergency of Saint-Vincent Hospital. Beside her is her best friend Isabelle Granger (Genevioe Schmits), inteivided surgeon, Jacob Faubert (Lou-Pascal Tremblay), young brilliant doctor and a bit slobber, Philippe Dupéré (Patrick Labbé) Psychiatrist and Eric Perron (Stéphane Rousseau), former TV show that has become an attendant to the beneficiaries.
A crowd of other characters camped by Love norman, Jean-Nicolas Verreault, Marc Beaupré, Ludivine Reding, Anglesh Major, Samantha Fins, Bruno Marcil, Caroline Nero And many others complete the distribution.
-Between complex medical cases, and sometimes wacky, and the intrigues surrounding the characters, Stat takes us into the lively corridors of a large Montreal hospital.
STAT is broadcast from Monday to Thursday at 7 p.m. on the air of here TV. Note that the daily newspaper will go to weekly format from the fall of 2025.
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