Today at 11:30 – by Sophie Bongart
The race for the semi-final heats up in The Brain. While Mélanie and Vivian secure their place, two players find themselves in a duel for a final chance to continue the adventure.
The Brainthe innovative W9 show, launched on December 9, continues to captivate viewers with events combining strategy and general knowledge. Since the start of the competition, the 18 reality TV candidates have had to overcome the challenges of La Doyenne. Among the highlights, the departure of Nabil, defeated by Vincent Queijo, upset Mélanie Orl, his close ally. As the final approaches, Jonathan, Mélanie, Vivian, Nicolo and Benoît Dubois have reached their place in the semi-final. That leaves Vincent Queijo and Thomas, who will have to decide in a final duel to win the last place. However, Vincent goes through a period of doubt as the final approaches. After the departure of his partner Marwa, who sacrificed herself so that he could stay in the game, he seriously considers giving up. “I don’t want to anymore. I gave what I had to give”, he confided in the trailer for the next episode.
Mélanie Orl achieves a feat and prepares her revenge
This is not the first time that the former Angels candidate has expressed his weariness. Following an altercation with Nicolo, Vincent had already considered leaving the adventure, saying he was exasperated by his rival’s shenanigans. “The best would be for me to leave otherwise I will break down”, he had declared to Marwa. However, after reflection, Rym Renom’s ex-husband chose to continue. In episode 33 of The Brain, Jonathan, already qualified for the semi-final, chose to penalize Vivian, making his journey even more complicated. Subsequently, the candidates faced a logic challenge in the form of a puzzle. Mélanie was the only one to successfully solve it, earning second place. “I qualified for the semi-final in second position, just after John. I’m so proud of myself”she declared enthusiastically.
The Brain: two players oppose each other to stay in the adventure
Mélanie received an advantage from La Doyenne: a penalty card to use against an opponent. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she imposes catchy music on Vincent Queijo during the next enigma. The young woman finally gets her revenge! Vivian, for his part, established himself as the fastest in the round and also won his place in the semi-final. As a reward, he receives a punishing card which he chooses to play against Vincent, provoking the latter’s anger: “I saved you twice, and you sent me to the nominees’ bench.” In the fourth round, Nicolo quickly triumphs, winning the Brain badge and fourth place in the semi-finals. On the other hand, Vincent, Benoît and Toto are in the hot seat. The semi-finalists decide to save Benoît, leaving Vincent and Toto to face off in an elimination duel for the last semi-final spot. Who will manage to win and continue the adventure? Answer in the next episode!
-Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias
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