In an unexpected sequence of “Facing Baba” on C8, Kelly Vedovelli created a surprise by revealing an unsuspected family link with Gilles Verdez, one of the show’s emblematic columnists.
The unexpected professional reconversion of Kelly Vedovelli
The sequence starts on a serious note when Cyril Hanouna questions his columnists about their professional aspirations. Kelly Vedovelli then reveals a little-known side of her personality by confiding: “Children who don’t have parents, homes, stuff like that, that interests me a lot, but unfortunately, I don’t have the education for that at all.” Faced with the encouragement of her colleagues who encourage her to resume her studies, the columnist admits to not having the baccalaureate. “But it would be really interesting, I would really like it”adds Kelly. “Make your dreams come true” ! Cyril Hanouna then asks him.
Cyril Hanouna tackles Gilles Verdez
The host, visibly moved, finds “very cute” this desire of Kelly to help others and also seems surprisingly surprised. Gilles Verdez also compliments the young woman on her project, declaring that it “would suit him well”. An intervention which provokes the annoyance of Cyril Hanouna, repeatedly describing his columnist as “boloss“. “But what a boloss, no kidding. No, but the boloss of boloss”, says the host, visibly amused by the situation.
-Kelly Vedovelli’s shocking revelation
It was then that Kelly Vedovelli dropped a bombshell that left the audience speechless: “But stop, it could be my father! Besides, he was in high school with my father.”
Information which establishes a surprising link between the young columnist and Gilles Verdez! The latter is also one of Kelly Vedovelli’s most fervent admirers. And the latter is not complaining, as she revealed again this evening by telling Cyril Hanouna: “But he loves me, let him love me!”
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