Almost a year to the day after the special aired Éric Lapointe: facing his demonsthe singer considered himself lucky to be invited again to perform at major events, such as that of Star Academy.
“It was special to come back to that set, where I was a coach at The Voice. To have the impression of starting to do my job normally again,” he said on Sophie Durocher’s microphone on Monday.
TVA Publication Eric Myre
“It feels good to sing, to meet the world again and to do a set of this scale,” continued the rocker, who offered Sunday evening, during the first Variété de Star Academyhis cover of Richard Desjardins, A nice big slow.
“What I missed the most was making music normally and stopping swimming against the current,” added the singer. Terre promise.
Sober for 14 months
Last year on this date, Éric Lapointe admitted to having assaulted his ex-partner, during a television interview that he had, once again, given to Sophie Durocher.
Photo provided by TVA
Returning in particular to his addictions, he expressed, during this special broadcast, remorse over his actions, which he described as inadequate and unacceptable.
According to him, this interview was a necessary step to begin his “new life”, although confronting.
“I had to break the ice, come back to this, make a public mea culpa,” he said into the columnist’s microphone on QUB on Monday afternoon.
“At the time of the interview, I was probably coming out of depression, I was still in turmoil, I was in total insecurity. I thought I would never be able to practice my profession again,” he added, indicating that he has since gotten his act together, returned to sport and has been sober for 14 months now.
Remember that Éric Lapointe pleaded guilty in October 2020 to charges of assaulting a woman. At the end of his conditional discharge, he had to undergo therapy and respect his relationship.
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