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Raoudha Jean-Zephirin (Large families) justifies her absence from social networks

Raoudha and Stéphane Jean-Zéphirin, revealed thanks to Large families: life in XXLare the happy parents of a tribe of ten children. Their daily life, already busy, has been particularly hectic in recent weeks. Between illnesses, emergency room visits and care, the mother was forced to temporarily move away from social networks, where she usually shares moments of life with her large tribe.

Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin (Large families) explains why she has been absent in recent days on social networks

This Thursday, January 16, Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin addressed her community via an Instagram story to explain her absence. Very moved, she confided: “And hello everyone, I hope you are well. Sorry for my absence on the networks at the moment. I post very little, I have my little Jules who was sick, so I won't tell you. It's still quite difficult.” The mother also spoke of the upheaval caused by the state of health of Jules, their last child: “Jules, I really feel like this is my first child actually. This is my first baby. He is sick, I'm completely lost. What should be done? I'm afraid. Finally, we are afraid, because with Steph, there is not one to catch the other.” Despite these moments of worry, she wanted to reassure her subscribers: “But now things are better. It's true that he's also teething, so it's not great. You have to take it all the time. But hey, the main thing is that it gets better.”

The children of Raoudha Jean-Zéphirin (Large families) affected by the disease

Since the end of last year, the Jean-Zéphirin family has been affected by several health problems. Romane, their two-year-old daughter, contracted chickenpox, before suffering from an eye infection which required an emergency appointment. Despite treatment, the situation worsened, forcing Raoudha to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist. The mother said in a previous Instagram story: “I didn't know this thing and I don't know where it came from, but it could have stayed where it was. I'm not telling you, but it's a disaster. I've never seen that. It's beyond me. So, I made an appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist, because I went to the emergency room twice, but I'm not telling you, I turned around. I told myself that my little Romane was going to get much worse.“Fortunately, after several days of treatment, Romane’s health improved.


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